Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Lenten Recipe: Spinach Pie

Spinach Pie
3 Cups of flour
1 t of salt
1 T of active yeast powder
3 T warm water
½ t sugar
1 cup of warm water

Dissolve yeast in 3 T warm water mixed with sugar and allow the mixture to bubble. Add remaining cup of water and set aside. Mix flour and salt, then add water and yeast mixture. Stir until mixed, then knead about five minutes. (Or throw everything into an electric mixer or food processor and knead).

1 bag washed spinach
3 onions chopped
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 pinch allspice
1 pinch cinnamon
salt and pepper
optional1 T olive oil
Toss all filling ingredients like a salad. Set aside.

Roll dough into small circles. Mine have a diameter about the length of my hand. Place a small amount of spinach mixture in center of each round of dough. Form a triangular pie by drawing two sides of dough to the center and pinching shut a seam from center to the corner. Then draw up the remaining bottom flap of dough and pinch shut the remaining seams, leaving a tiny hole open in the center as a vent. Bake at 375 to 400 degrees F for 15 minutes , until brown on top and bottom.